Prescribing of implantable medical devices
The project consisted in developing an application for the management and prescription of implantable medical devices for doctors in all Capio Group clinics.
Total project duration: 2 months
The total cost of the project was 50 man-days
Details of the project :
The prescription of the IMDs (Implantable Medical Devices) was done manually by each doctor. To facilitate the work of the doctors and integrate the management of the DMIs into the
- Create IMG prescriptions
- Editing and printing prescriptions
- Managing DMIs
Mission statement
Development of a WEB application including :
- Prescription entry screens with advanced search of DMIs
- Printable prescription reports
- A DMI management interface
- An interface to administer the application and access rights
For the realization of the project, 2 persons have been allocated :
- 1 project manager and functional manager
- 1 development engineer
This contract was executed entirely with Tana Corp resources dedicated to the project.
Main characteristics of the client
The Capio Group is an important European player in the field of medical care. It has 26 establishments in 6 European countries and welcomed more than 450,000 patients in 2008. The Capio Group acquired the Tonkin Group and its 5 French clinics.
Conduct of the project