CABMLE label printing software
The project consisted in developing a client-rich application for editing, printing and verifying reagent kit case labels.
Total project duration: 3 months
The total cost of the project was 53 man.days
Details of the project :
As part of the launch of a new diagnostic instrument called Vidas New, the case label of the reagent kits required for this instrument will be printed in-house by BioMérieux.
This label will have to include the same data as on the kits for the instrument currently in use, but will also include data needed to perform tests on the new instrument.
Due to the amount of data to be entered, this data will be translated into several barcodes, including a PDF417 barcode, to be read with the hand shower on the new instrument.
In addition, the OT cards must now be accompanied by KANBAN labels.
Mission statement
Develop a client-rich application to edit reagent kit case labels. It must therefore ensure the following functionalities :
- The edition of labels in CodeSoft format. Data are retrieved from an XML file from the VidCard laboratory software and manual data entry.
- Data formatting according to the needs of the various departments involved.
- Formatting the data in the format expected by the Vidas New instrument and encoding it in a PDF 417 barcode.
- Paper printing
- Printing to a file that can be used by a non-proprietary application for later sending by customer service
- Verification / proofreading of printed barcodes.
For the realization of the project, 4 persons have been allocated :
- 1 Project Manager,
- 1 Software Architect,
- 2 Development Engineers.
This contract was executed entirely with Tana Corp resources dedicated to the project.
Main characteristics of the client
A global player in the field of in vitro diagnostics for over 40 years, BioMérieux offers diagnostic solutions (reagents, instruments and software) that determine the origin of a disease or contamination to improve patient health and ensure consumer safety.
Conduct of the project
Solution features
Business processes covered by the solution
- Reagent kit case label edition
- Paper and digital label printing
- Verification of printed barcodes
What were the most difficult features to implement?
The PDF417 barcode with the data for the new instrument is very complex. They are also very sensitive because they are data that configures part of the production line.
Solution: Very thorough testing was carried out in close collaboration with several BioMérieux representatives with different responsibilities for the rest of the Vidas New project.
Technical platform elements
Software package, software or development languages used
After analysis of all the constraints, Tana Corp proposed the realization of a custom application, based entirely on a Microsoft solution:
- Microsoft .Net Framework, C# language
Reasons for the choice
- Microsoft .Net avec C# :
In order to improve productivity, the interface had to offer improved ergonomics. The choice of this technology was made in close collaboration with the customer.
Share of pre-existing developments used on which the Supplier capitalized to complete the project
- bioMcabV6 Application
Share of pre-existing developments used on which the Supplier has capitalised to complete the project
The interfaces were developed without any pre-existing technological layer.
- Ergonomics: daily use of the application in a production context,
- Scalability: interface configuration options offering great flexibility in filtering the commands to be transmitted as well as a certain scalability of data exchange formats.
Challenges and key success factors
- Ergonomics: daily use of the application in a production context,
- Validation/Qualification: the application meets the requirements of 21 CFR part 820-75 and ISO 13485.
Business result
Today the application is operated in production and has allowed to:
- Easily edit case labels for Vidas New
- Save labels in png format for later sending by customer service
- Check and validate barcodes on labels