SID Linky project
The objective of the Linky SID project (Linky Deployment Information System) is to build the IT infrastructure necessary for the replacement of electricity meters by the new Linky smart meter. The beneficiary of this project is ERDF (Electricité Réseau de Distribution France), a subsidiary of EDF. Steria has been entrusted with the implementation of this project.
Total project duration : 10 months
LThe total cost of the project was 200 man days.
Details of the project :
In view of the liberalisation of the electricity market and to homogenise the existing fleet of electricity meters (more than 23 models), ERDF designed the new smart and communicating meter named Linky. It will be deployed in all households in France between 2012 and 2017. A major IT infrastructure is required to complete this long deployment operation.
The main objectives of the project were :
- Manage the planning of interventions by ERDF technicians and external service providers and their follow-up
- To provide the technicians carrying out the interventions with an on-board computer tool to produce their intervention reports.
Mission statement
To integrate the “Mobility” team, which is supposed to develop the embedded tool intended for the realization of customer interventions by technicians. Tasks carried out during the mission:
- Study of needs and constraints
- Business concept modeling
- Technical design
- Setting up the technical and software architecture of the system to be developed
- Realize functional mock-ups for the validation of technical concepts
- Development of the application’s screens in Agile Methodology
- Unit and integration tests
- Performance optimization
- Investigations and correction of anomalies
- Packaging and deployment on test and acceptance platforms
Integration of a Steria team of 5 people
Main characteristics of the client
ERDF, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF, is the operator of the public electricity distribution network covering 95% of mainland France. Its 35,000 employees operate, maintain and develop nearly 1.3 million kilometers of network every day. The company has 33 million customers and carries out more than 10 million operations per year.
Key success factors
Solution features
Business processes covered by the solution
- Management of interventions and creation of reports
- Real-time synchronisation with the central system, either in a mobile or wired network
- Application Update
What were the most difficult features to implement ?
Among the most complex functionalities implemented by the speaker we can count :
- The design and implementation of a rich and fully configurable business process manager
- Design and development of an application update solution
Technical platform elements
Software package, software or development languages used
- Windows Mobile 6.5
- Microsoft .Net CompactFramework, C# language
- Microsoft SqlServer 2008 Compact Edition
Business result
Today, the tool is used in production by more than 4,000 technicians who have appreciated the ergonomics of its user interfaces and the ease of access to information.